Church tech questions on ProPresenter for live streaming, a black border gone, and live streaming speed | Q & A Show

Church tech questions on ProPresenter for live streaming, a black border gone, and live streaming speed

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On today’s Q & A, Church tech questions on ProPresenter for live streaming, a black border gone, and live streaming speed

Here are the latest questions:

Hi Paul,

One thought I had was to use propresenter to play the video stream, which has the advantages of potentially eliminating the KiPro and switcher ($$$) and enabling automated control that the switcher thwarts. In your vlog to the church that is about to start streaming you recommended against using propresenter to add overlays to the video – I think because propresenter may not be able to keep up with the stream (which, ideally, would be at Kipro Quality – 60 fps, 10b/pixel). Can you elaborate? Is this feasible in propresenter?


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Dennis Nowack on youtube

… we figured out later in this year what caused the bug with the black boarder around the live-view in propresenter -> it was caused by the mapping-computer that sent the pictures into the video-in-card. the resolution was fine but there exists an option in the catalyst control center (and / ati grafics card) that allows you to “enable overscan option” and with that you get the chance to scale a value between something like 90 and 110. and it was default on 90%, meaning that the pictures . although having the correct resolution – was afterwards downscaled to 90%. pushing the slider to 100% immediately maxed the live-video to our fullscreen resolution in propresenter – just to let you know 😉

best wishes from berlin,

Hustlers GamePlay
What upload speed do I need for 1080p streaming?

can i stream download: average 5 mb and upload average 700 mb please help i want stream with my ps4

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About this show:

This show is meant to help church techies the world over get their questions answered. Paul Alan Clifford specializes in video, graphic design, social media, new media, and the web. If there is something you want to know that’s outside these areas of expertise, given some time, he’ll do his best to find the answer from other experts he knows.

If you do tech at your church or you use computers to advance your church’s mission, this show is for you.

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