Q & A for March 7, 2014: New windows, usb audio, and holograms

On today’s Q & A, questions on: New windows, usb audio, and holograms

Here are the latest questions:

KP on Church Tech on g+

Our church just got new Windows to replace our old and terrible condition windows. They look great but are also much brighter. We needed new projectors but now we really do. What’s the best high brightness projector some one has used here? We have 3000 lumen Panasonic projectors. 

rkr on CMN

Audio to USB Interface?
We’ve been working with a borrowed M-Audio audio-to-USB adapter for recording our sermons on computer so they can be uploaded to our website. We need to return the M-Audio box to its owner, so I’m looking for replacement suggestions at a reasonable cost. The Behringer U-Phoria UM2 looks interesting. Anyone have any better suggestions? Cost is VERY MUCH a factor, and it’s primarily for recording voice.


LB on ctl
Hey folks. I’m pretty sure I already know the answer to this, but in the interest of being absolutely sure, here goes.

As my church explores options for transmission and projection of video from our main campus to our current and future sites, well-meaning people on our staff continue to tell me that they know without a shadow of a doubt that this church or that church is using holographic technology in their satellite campuses for sermon video. I keep assuring them that I understand what they mean, but that I’m more than reasonably certain that no church is currently using holograms or holographic projections in this way. I do know that Clark has demonstrated a system in their theater, but that’s as far as this has gotten to my knowledge.

So, then, does anyone know for certain of a church that is actually using holographic technology in this way? If so, could you please send me a link to the church that you know is actually using it?


MS on ctl
Hey everyone! I am putting together some training for my media/lyric operators. We are running ProPresenter and I know they have a lot of really helpful tutorials there. However I’m having a hard time finding some good videos for training the operators on timing. When to hit the button so the lyrics show up early enough for people to process and keep singing, but not so early that its a distraction. I remember seeing a video a couple years ago that was FANTASTIC for this, but I can’t seem to find it now.

If any of you have any resources for training this timing I would greatly appreciate them! Thanks everyone!

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