Last Week’s Links for 2011-08-08

  • My #twitter age is 4 years 130 days 14 hours 22 minutes 10 seconds. Find out yours at #twittertime #
  • Not trying to get political, but that’s a lot of $$$$: A visualization of US debt stacked in 100 dollar bills #
  • I’ve written the first 1,841 words of “Tweeting Church.” I’m trying to write 1,612/day, so I’m ahead! 48,159 to go. #TweetingChurch #
  • If your church doesn’t know where to go next with technology, I can be your virtual tech director: #
  • Didn’t really like the facebook one; let’s see about this one: Get Google+Tweet #
  • Question of the week: Who has your favorite logo and why? #
  • Good one! rt @cbridges1973: Where’s the arrow in the logo? Like God’s Word, when it’s revealed, u never see it the same. #
  • In case you missed it: Question of the week: Who has your favorite logo and why? #
  • More on website planning: Website Planning Guide #
  • My wife asked if there was enough on twitter & the church to write #TweetingChurch #PodcastingChurch didn’t get hard until 17,000 words in. #
  • Oh, how right they were in 1982: STUDY SAYS TECHNOLOGY COULD TRANSFORM SOCIETY – #
  • Up to 3443 words in #Tweeting Church. That’s the introduction and most of a chapter on what Twitter is and isn’t. #
  • The storm just hit the, llc. international headquarters…i.e. my house. Might be good to write to. #TweetingChurch #
  • Fun cartoon tutorial: Create A Vector Art Twitter Bird Character Icon In Adobe Illustrator #
  • Day 3 of writing #TweetingChurch I ran right past my goal of hitting 4,800 words. I’m at 5,289. I keep coming up with chapter ideas. Yes! #
  • Writing really is like exercise. Day 1 was a struggle to hit 1600 words. Day 2 was harder. Day 3 it just flowed. I wrote about 2000 today #
  • I’m not a form guy, but some of these might help you: Useful Microsoft Word & Microsoft Excel Templates #
  • RT: @ChurchTechToday First church management software iPad App is released @iconcmo #churchtech #
  • Great call with @DrBradHenson ; looks like I’ll be heading his way to help his people podcast. How can I help your church reach more people? #
  • You know I like wordpress themes: 35 Best Minimal WordPress Themes #
  • If you don’t want your followers as targeted as I want mine: Top 237 Twitter Users Who Will Follow You Back #
  • Sometimes I wonder what would happen if Christians didn’t denounce false prophets, but were so genuine themselves, that it was obvious. #
  • Wow! This is cool. rt @obidawsn Free Freschetta at . Right now, they’re doing crazy stuff live. #freepizza #
  • Day 4 writing #TweetingChurch I’m up to 6922 words. 522 ahead of schedule. 43078 to go or 26078 to equal #PodcastingChurch #
  • I’m more building a business: Building a job vs. building a business #
  • There are still two copies of #PodcastingChurch at Jo-Beth. Lexington peeps pick one up. #fb #
  • From time to time I remind myself that if I try I might fail it if I don’t, I already have. #
  • Some cool ideas here: Motion Design Reel on Vimeo #
  • People are dying without Jesus and Christians argue about useless details. If you want to argue, ask how to help instead. #
  • A couple of these actually helped me a lot: 8 Free or Low-Cost Twitter Timesaving Tools #
  • I liked a @YouTube video The Gospel In Four Minutes #
  • Day 5 done. 8,682 words down. My goal was 8000, so I’m 682 ahead. 41,318 words to go in #TweetingChurch #
  • #FollowFriday @MichaelHyatt @2morrowknight @smashingmag @adamsconsulting @shadesofjoe @MarriedSpice @obidawsn @cbridges1973 @DeannaAF #
  • As a video guy, I try and use one whenever possible; here’s why for stills: Why You Need a Tripod #
  • Just found out there’s a TEDxLexington (@TEDxLEX). I’d love to speak at it, but don’t know if I can. It’s right before Podcamp Cincinnati. #
  • Very cool ways to do common things faster: TNW Lifehacks #
  • I know I get a lot out of conferences, but these help, too: 8 Ways to Maximize a Church Conference Experience #
  • Build Your Own Video Camera Table Dolly for Under $20 with PVC Pipes #
  • 10,470 down. That’s 800ish words ahead of schedule. This is really coming along. I hate the minutia of this, but need to stay accountable #
  • It’s a amazing how excited I get after a decade of vision from my pastor, I’m glad it’s vision weekend. Bring it @PeteHise! #
  • We live in extreme days and we have to have an extreme love for people. #xtreme #
  • The best messages aren’t been to be applauded; they’re meant to be applied. #
  • What if we dare to trust Jesus to do the impossible! #
  • Audacious faith isn’t faith in yourself and your abilities; it’s faith in the maker of everything. He has a plan even in my inability. #
  • Churches. Are you more concerned with who you’re trying to reach or who you’re trying to keep? #
  • I so need to upgrade to Lion: Top 10 Secret Features in Mac OS X Lion #
  • Wow! I’ve sold Podcasting Church in 3 countries on Kindle. I know one is the UK; my royalties tell me that one other was outside the US. #fb #
  • Soon my circles will be complete: How to Migrate Your Facebook Account and Data to Google+ #
  • Another dispatch from Paul at – #
  • See? Creativity isn’t that hard? Stimulate Creativity with the SCAMPER Mnemonic #
  • Guilty! Weekends are the hardest to find time. Rt @johny_mo @PodcastinChurch is working on his new book. #TweetingChurch #
  • I have a 35 year old friend who’s dying of cancer. I’m audaciously praying that she is 100% healed. It’s crazy, but I’m praying. #Rosemary #
  • The beginning of anything is exciting; it’s the middle where things are hard before you crest the hill and momentum starts to build. Finish. #
  • No, innovation is movement not locked gears. Rt @steveymacjr: Government logo fail of the day #
  • Creative and fun, oh and geeky too: Jedi Gang Fight #
  • Thanks for not being annoyed my friends. Day 7: 1648 more words for a total of 11739. I love how quickly it’s coming. #TweetingChurch #
  • I really need to try this again: Turn an Old Computer into a Networked Backup & Streaming Machine with FreeNAS #

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