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Live streaming: From Live-stream to online campus | Tech, No Babel

Live streaming:  From Live-stream to online campus | Tech, No Babel

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On today’s Tech, No Babel:

Live streaming: From Live-stream to online campus

[tweet “A live-stream is not an online campus. You need community and life transformation for that.”]

Having a live-stream for your church doesn’t mean that you have a new campus. It’s harder than that. I think you need four things to change your live-stream into a bona fide online campus.

A dedicated pastor.
While a pastor might have other areas of oversight, the online campus should be the area that he/she is responsible for, oversees, and prays for. Without a leader, the people on the online campus could devolve into bickering and nastiness instead of growth. They need a pastor.

Unique events.
Maybe it’s as small as a little video introduction before the service or a thank you for showing up. Maybe it’s full-on lifegroups where people meet together to discuss the message or their lives. Whatever it is, there should be something that you can only get online.

“Church” is a word that we’re so familiar with that we forget its meaning. Church is community. People need to interact to learn and grow, so without this element, the online stream is nothing more than a broadcast.

That’s really the point. If no one ever changes. If lives and eternities aren’t changed, why do it? You should see people come to Christ, addictions snapped, and lives saved…literally. If you don’t, you’re wasting resources that could be used elsewhere.

So, what have I missed? Am I wrong or did I leave something out? Let me know in the comments.

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About this show:

Tech, No Babel is a weekly podcast premiering every Thursday at 11a eastern (-5 UTC), 8a pacific on Watch it and join the chat then.

But, if you miss the live show, I’ll put up the edited show later (usually on the same day) right here.

If you do video or graphic design to advance your church’s mission, this show is for you.

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