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TNB140123 — 5 ways to make your videos stand out

On today’s Tech, No Babel: 5 ways to make your videos stand out.

As equipment gets cheaper and cheaper, the ability to make quality videos will rest not in your budget, but your abilities. Here are 5 ways to make the most of your videos.

1. Great sound. The most important thing in any video is good sound. Never use a built-in mic. A pristinely lit, 4k video that sounds like it was shot in a bank vault or in a noisy crowd, but wasn’t, is a bad video.
2. Genre. Every type of video has a structure, a skeleton, if you will. Understand the basic structure of similar videos and build from there; not use a wildly different structure.
3. Learn from the best; not the best in the Church. Look for people who are the best in the world and learn from them.
4. Use the right transition. The art in video is in the story, the content, the flow, not what transition. You should almost always use a cut, sometimes a cross-dissolve, rarely anything else.
5. Do the best you can with what you have and never, ever say, “That’s good enough for Church.”

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