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Church Tech Cast Q & A for December 6, 2013

First off, I’m back to using specialized switcher/streaming software and I don’t have it dialed in right yet, so it’s a little wonky. I still wanted you to see it though.

On today’s Q & A show, powerpoint to video, auxillary video projection, and one long cable.

Here are today’s questions:
BK on Church Tech

I am a new youth pastor and I am blessed with a youth room. I am wanting to do some sort of colored lighting that could be controlled to setup different moods. I was thinking of painting the ceiling black to help.
Any suggestion or resources that I could check out?

MR on Church Tech

Need a quick solution:: Working on a new stage install, and we decided that we want a corded solution to hook up a laptop at the stage and run the video signal back to the sound board–for presentations and other events.

From my understanding HDMI degrades (and is expensive). Considering conversion to cat5. Thoughts? Or a different cabling method? I don’t have an exact length measurement, but running up a wall and through the ceiling I’m guessing about 300 ft or so.


Do any of you use Square for processing payments? We’ve found a competitor we’re considering for one of our businesses. Anybody familiar with ? (I’m not an affiliate, just asking for info! ) Would love any feedback before we pull the trigger!

And if I should move this post somewhere else, please let me know!

BW on
Yesterday we released ProVideoPlayer 2, which is a video processing and playback tool designed for what I like to call “auxiliary video staging”, which led me to the question I’d like to ask of those on here.

Does your church use any kind of auxiliary video devices, such as plasmas or LCDs on stage for dynamic visualization (eye candy) or Environmental Projection? Basically, what I’m asking here is do you show video on devices that are separate from the standard IMAG or main screens?

If so, do you do this for a particular sermon series or are these fixed items? How often do you use them?

When you do implement these kinds of things, who is responsible? The lighting director or a dedicated person?

I think it’s a worthwhile conversation and was curious what people’s thoughts were on the subject.

I’ve tried to search for it, but I cannot find any solution. How can I get PowerPoint to a video format? Opensource solutions would be best. Not necessarily free, but we heavily support OpenSource.

This show is recorded live every Friday at 11a est, 8a pst, 4p utc on watch it then or go to to submit your questions in advance.

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