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Numerical Goals Update for October

I’m not going to lie. The numbers aren’t all good. Let’s take a look:
[table id=3 /]

Obviously, I had a decrease in web traffic last month. If you compare this month’s entry to the one from last month, you notice that last month’s numbers are different, too. As I was running the numbers today, I noticed that my unique visitors number was down. In comparing, I also noticed that my unique visitors number from last month is not what I’d reported. It looks like I was looking at unique page views vs. unique visitors (the first of which is actually higher; this month it was 1,549, so that actually increased 124).

That doesn’t mean it wasn’t a down month. It was.

I think that part of the reason why is that my “/blog” page was down for I don’t know how long. I’ve got it temporarily patched (showing all the posts for this year) and am talking to my host to talk about why, but their first idea didn’t work.

It could be the month, too or something that I’ve done wrong. I guess I won’t know that until I get everything fixed.

I probably need to do more guest posting, too.

I am excited about my Twitter follower number. It looks like I’m almost to my goal of 20,000 and so I guess I can focus on Pinterest, Google+, and YouTube, which I haven’t hit yet.

All in all, I’m still excited. I’ll let you know the results next month as I try and reach more and more churches so that I can help them reach more and more people. That’s what really matters to me.


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