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Numerical Goals Update for August 2013

My numbers continue to go up and to the right (as they say in business). Remember that each of you is a person to me, a life that I can help. I keep track of numbers because each is shorthand for a life, which can impact hundreds or thousands more.

So what did I do?
I continued hitting the live stream hard every day. I recorded Tech, No Babel early on July 4th, but other than that, it’s been pretty reliable. Additionally, I accepted some guest posts, one of which was featured on on 7/29. That helped spike the numbers that day, but only part of this month’s growth came from that. Being ready for opportunity is as ready as the opportunity itself, so I think I was ready.

This month’s Summer of Giveaways contest was about equal to last month’s so that continues to help.

Probably the biggest change this month is the addition of the editorial calendar plug-in. I took some time to put in all my posts, show ideas, and other material in advance, so I always know what I’m going to talk or write about well in advance of actually doing it. I have topics in the calendar for all of August already, including some new material every day.

Keep following things here. I’ve got more good material coming and know that you’re not alone. This community has only just started to sprout; the real growth is ahead of us as we go out and change eternity.


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