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I’ll pay you $24.44 to buy The Serving Church for $0.00 after rebate

Get it at and forward me the receipt for all the stuff below!

I’ve noticed that my sales numbers don’t really move except on payday. That makes sense. You get paid and you buy stuff. People tend to get paid on either every other Friday or on the 15th and 30th. This Friday is November 16th. So that means that two groups of people (of the possible three) will be paid around that date — people that are paid this Friday and people who are paid on the 15th.

So, I’m going to try and launch my new book, The Serving Church on Friday starting at 12:01 AM est. I’m going to run a special from this Friday until the end what we call “Black Friday” in the US, Friday November 23rd, 2012 at 11:59 PM pst (So everyone in the Continental US can think of it on their time as Friday-Friday).

Let’s call this deal 100%+ off:

  1. First off, if you buy The Serving Church (for $2.99) through the link I provide, I’ll give you a rebate of the purchase price. ($2.99)
  2. Since Tweeting Church comes off of KDP select on Friday, I can add it into the pot. (currently $3.99)
  3. I’ll throw in Podcasting Church as well. That means if you buy my latest book, you also get the rest of the ing Church trilogy. (currently $3.99)
  4. I’m also going to give you the prepress version of Church Video School, and Creating Church both of which have never been eBooks. (at least 2 x $2.99, but I haven’t decided yet)
  5. If you want the paperback versions of any or all of these, I’ll also include a 50% off coupon in the back of all these books for the Autographed paperback version of that book. ($7.49 each)

That’s $24.44+ for the price of $0.00. Tempted yet?

Here’s an exclusive piece: You’ll get all five books in three formats. I don’t sell epub or pdf versions, so you can only get them for Nook and iBooks through this offer. So, if you want to read the books for Kindle, iBooks, Nook, Sony, etc., this is the deal for you. If you’re a PDF person, I’ll get you those through this offer, too.

Since, I only have five days to give away a book on KDP select and this promotion is going to be more like eight, I have to do the rebate myself. This means that the deal will cost me Amazon’s cut, but I don’t care. I want to get a couple of hundred copies out there as fast as I can.

The first person to buy The Serving Church will get free autographed paperback copies of ALL three of the ing Church trilogy books. Congrats to Matt Brier for being the first person to email me his receipt on 11/16. In addition, I will do a drawing of the first 200 people who email me their Amazon receipt and give a copy of the trilogy to one person. I’ll also give one person the last two books in autographed paperback. Finally, I’ll send an autographed paperback copy of Podcasting Church to three more people. I’ll ship those for free in the Continental US.

I don’t have an unlimited budget though, so if I blow past my goal too quickly, I’ll have to go to the consolation deal. The consolation deal is still 70% off the cover price and the other books free. It just means you get it all for around $1 instead of totally free.

I know it’s a little crazy, but I just want to see what you all can do together. Please tweet, facebook, pinterest, whatever this info. If you’re a pastor, forward this to other people in their ministerial association and denomination. If you’re staff or attend a church, please let your pastor and staff know. This price will only go up the longer you wait. I won’t repeat this deal…ever. With the next book, I don’t plan on paying people to take it. I might make the deal cheap, but that’s it. I really want to build buzz and get the word out.

Don’t miss this deal. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. I missed a similar deal for an author I like and I’m still kicking myself. This book has some revolutionary ideas that I want to get out. We can change the world, you can help.

Here’s how it will work. Forward me your Amazon receipt from buying The Serving Church to either this email address or and include your paypal email address. If you don’t include a paypal address, I can’t give you the rebate back, so don’t forget that. You have until 12:01 AM eastern, December 1st, 2012 to forward me the receipt. If I don’t get it by then, you don’t get the books or the rebate. No exceptions.

As soon as the book goes live on Amazon this Friday, you’ll be able to get it by going to Once I get your email, I’ll send you the digital books. Once Amazon gives me royalties, I’ll send you your $2.99 back, if you sent me the receipt and included your paypal address by the deadline.



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