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Business Model

As I ponder what I’ll be doing starting February 1, 2011, I have some ideas I’d like to share.


As you know, I’ve been writing a book about podcasting in the church called (oddly enough) Podcasting Church. I’m also going to start doing some writing for some magazines. I’ve written for both “Technologies for Worship” and “Church Production Magazine“. I’m going to try and do that more.


I’ve keynoted at the national convention in addition to speaking at other events and locations. Every time people have asked told me that I speak with passion and drive them to action. I’d love to put this to work for your organization.

Stock video and countdowns:

I’m planning on creating resources to make the jobs of church video producers easier.


I’ll be resurrecting “Tech, No Babel” along with some fun additions. My goal is to make TNoB the church tech version of I love what Leo does over there, I just want to further refine the niche to church tech.


Whether it’s part of a larger seminar or single-day events I host myself. I want to take my years of experience and teach you what I’ve learned in the time as part of church that grew from 150 to 3500.


Do you have a church tech team that needs to go to the next level? I’d love to spend time with them, share some experiences I’ve had and help you take it all up a notch.

Guest posting, blogging, and podcasting:

I want to be a guest on your blog, podcast, etc. And I want you to be a guest on mine.

Sometimes just putting down ideas helps them to happen.


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